Monday, November 26, 2007

A Fantastic Site for Science Experiments for Kids

I was doing research for science experiments for kids and ran across a site for a magazine that should be familiar to most people. It is the official site for National Geographic Kids Magazine. It has great content and should provide tons of fun and learning for your kids.

One great example of a fun experiment you can do with your kids is to make a water clock. This site gives directions to make the clock and a bit of history as well. From the site: "Water clocks, like sundials, were used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese."

You will need 5 equal size cups, some thumbtacks, tape, a pencil, a clear glass jar, a kitchen timer, hard cardboard and a strip of paper.

You basically poke a hole in the cups, attach them to the cardboard vertically, pour water in the cups and mark how much water was in the jar beneath the cups in 5 minutes.

You can find it here: National Geographic Kids Magazine: Water Clock Experiment


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